Sex is the fountain of pleasure and satisfaction but unsafe sex may bring a lot of panic in life. Unsafe sex may cause Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) if the partner is infected. STDs are diseases that are passed directly from one person to another through sexual contact. There are several types of STDs; some of them affect men and women, some only men, and some only women. No one knows when and where these diseases started, but the diseases have been with you for a long time.
The first symptoms of STDs are itching, soreness, pain on urination, or there may be no symptoms. If you notice any symptoms or if you think you may have got an infection and you have had several sexual partners, go immediately to your doctor. Treatment in the early stage is usually easy but putting off treatment can be serious.
Genitals herpes, Genital Warts, Gonorrhoea are some common STDs. Lets discuss in brief about the causes, symptoms and treatment of these diseases.
1. Genitals herpes are caused by a virus which you can pick up by having sex with someone who is infected. The major symptoms of genital herpes are itching, tingling or aching in the penis, testes or vulva. Itching followed by sores, usually on and around the genital area is another common symptom of genital herpes.
Some women have sores on their cervix too but they cannot feel these. The sores change to watery blisters in a day or two and usually burst and heal themselves without treatment. While you have the Sores, you may feel pain when you pass urine and flu (headache, backache and high temperature). There is no cure for genital herpes but there are herbal remedies to make you feel more comfortable if you have it.
2. Genital Warts are caused by a virus which you can get by having sex with someone who is infected to such viruses. The major symptoms of genital warts are fleshy growths or warts on the genitals area. They may also grow in the vagina, cervix or anus where they cannot be easily seen.
Sometimes a special ointment is applied on the warts to get relief from them. Women who have had genital warts or whose sexual partners have genital warts should immediately consult to the doctor.
3. Gonorrhoea is caused by a bacterium which you can get having sex with an infected person. The major symptoms of gonorrhea are pain when passing urine, unusual discharge from the vagina or yellowish discharge from the penis, itchy anus or a discharge from the anus, sore throat if you have caught gonorrhea through oral sex. Women may also have fever, pain in abdomen and joints (knees, wrists etc.). However, 60% of woman and 10-15% of man who have gonorrhoea have no symptoms.
To treat gonorrhea, take the antibiotics which you can get form your doctor. You need to have regular checkups after you have completed the antibiotics to make sure the infection has been cleared up.
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